Jul 5Liked by Ruhie Vaidya

Words to live by…being kind to yourself - treat yourself how you would treat others.

Your letter to Az was really beautiful and lucky that you had it saved all these years!

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Thanks Sonal! Grateful for the notes app that’s for sure!

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Jul 5Liked by Ruhie Vaidya

Beautifully written and some golden nuggets of wisdom shared Ruhie! Congrats again and love it!

A favorite I'd like to share with loved ones. Worrying is like worshipping the problem.

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I love that! Thanks Nilay!

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Landed on your Substack from Dan Blank’s post. Loved it. I wrote so many letters to my parents when I lost them one by one. But did have the courage (or thought of) publishing them. I bought the my domain name on the day he died. A few months later wrote the first post about him https://www.neeramahajan.com/whyistartedthisblog/

Nice meeting you here Ruthie. I live in Canberra. Where are you based.

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So nice to meet you too Neera, thank you for the lovely comment and for sharing this beautiful post! It really speaks to me, especially the part about realising life is short and the regret you would feel if you did not pursue your dream of writing. That's exactly the feeling that inspired me to write and share my story, despite having never written professionally before. I look forward to connecting with you here on Substack :) Hope you're surviving the Canberra winter ok! I'm in Sydney where it's cold but not quite as cold haha

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Hey Ruhie! So nice to find you here, sharing a love for words. This post was incredible. I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your father, and that 5 years on, the grief of losing someone so precious is still so palpable. In spite of this, you’re turning your pain into something so positive - your dad would be so proud! Looking forward to reading more letters and learning more about your father. 🤍

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Thanks so much for reading Heidi and for the positive feedback! It means a lot 💛 It was certainly a life-changing experience and has given me a new lease on life that I hope to share with others!

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Dear Ruhie,

Your expressions to Sanjaybhai reminded our love and feelings for him and the way he loved anyone and everyone who came in contact with him. He touched many hearts and souls with extreme care and love. We see his selfless love and purity of Soul in your writings. Sanjaybhai is alive through your words and expressions. He loved unconditionally all of the extended family and friends. You have made the best possible tribute to your father by these expressions. You have given solace to the hearts of others who have read your thoughts. Thank you, Ruhie, for serving humanity in this way, which I am sure, Sanjaybhai must have liked it so much. His Spirit is immortal thorough your words. Sanjaybhai cannot be described in words, but his selflessness, service and unconditional love for humanity depict his persona perfectly. Your letters to Sanajaybhai are a great source of inspiration to AZ, Riz, Zaz and many others.

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Thank you Jagdish uncle! It is my hope that sharing Dad's story and what I (we all) learnt along the way will bring solace and hope to others.

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Jul 6Liked by Ruhie Vaidya

Hello Ruhie,

Very much enjoyed reading your post - your introduction, letter to Dad and words of wisdom for Az on his first birthday. Perhaps you should frame the letter and hang it in his room so that it is read every day! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. An acronym which we all can use - GEM - Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness

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Now that’s an idea! Thanks Mukesh uncle. And those are 3 great words to live by!

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Jul 5Liked by Ruhie Vaidya

Dear Ruhie . V well written . I was literally crying after reading this . Grief is something that everyone has to deal with.

So proud of you dear . Great advise be kind to others and to yourself

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Thanks Vaishalee aunty! You’re right, we all face grief through the course of our lives and must learn to deal with it in the best way we can.

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Jul 5Liked by Ruhie Vaidya

Such a beautifully written letter that really made me tear up. Thank you for sharing 🤍

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Thanks Malavika! 🫶

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Such beautiful writing as always, Ruhie. Keep going. This helps us all to be seen in our own grief journeys.

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Thanks so much Christine!

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Jul 5Liked by Ruhie Vaidya


Very well written! We all have to go through this journey, and it's essential to keep our journey alive with our loved ones.

Embrace change and trust that everything happens for a reason, even if it's not clear at the moment.

Live in the present and cherish every moment with those you love.

Be grateful for the little things; gratitude turns what we have into enough.

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You’re so right Parul aunty. Grief is the one thing we all experience at some point in our lives and must learn to navigate. These are great words to live by - thank you for sharing!

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Jul 5Liked by Ruhie Vaidya

Kindness to self and others, happiness is more important than money and many other wonderful messages.

Beautifully written letter to Az and Deddy.

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Thanks Mum! 💛

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Jul 5Liked by Ruhie Vaidya

I cried so much while reading this whole thing. I can’t believe you’re channeling your grief into something that’s so positive - a reminder to all to “live fully and love deeply”. Thank you Ruhie for sharing your journey, experience and the valuable things you’ve learnt from it all 💛

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Thanks Amz! That means a lot 🫶

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